6月 21, 2020

Juniper EX2300 LACP 設定

依據 Juniper 線上說明

The LACP mode can be active or passive. If the actor and partner are both in passive mode, they do not exchange LACP packets, which results in the aggregated Ethernet links not coming up. If either the actor or partner is active, they do exchange LACP packets.

By default, LACP is turned off on aggregated Ethernet interfaces. If LACP is configured, it is in passive mode by default. To initiate transmission of LACP packets and response to LACP packets, you must configure LACP in active mode.
  • LACP 有兩種運作模式,當兩方設備皆為 Passive 則 LACP 機制不會啟動,必定要有一者為 Active 才能觸發。
  • LACP 功能預設不啟用(在AE介面上),啟用後預設是 Passive 模式。

實際 LACP 指令

★ 範例綁定 10G 介面(XE0/1/1、XE0/1/2),配置後的設定檔

# 設定全域 LACP 組數,創建 AE(Aggregated Ethernet) 介面
> set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 10
> set interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options lacp active

# 連接埠作為 AE 成員,不能帶邏輯(unit 0)介面
> delete interfaces xe-0/1/1 unit 0
> delete interfaces xe-0/1/2 unit 0

# 因 LACP 要綁定多個連接埠,故停用 RSTP 防護
> delete protocols rstp interface xe-0/1/1
> delete protocols rstp interface xe-0/1/2

# 連接埠放入 AE 群組
> set interfaces xe-0/1/1 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
> set interfaces xe-0/1/2 ether-options 802.3ad ae0

# 允許 AE 處理不同 VLAN 封包(Trunk)
> set interfaces ae0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode trunk
> set interfaces ae0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members default

# 列出 LACP 介面
> show lacp interfaces

# 列出 LACP 統計資料
> show lacp statistics interfaces ae0

1 則留言:

  1. 請問下 如果 Ex2300為ISP進線SW,所以p1 / p2 / p3 都是不同的網路線路,那我如果再 Port 22 & 23做 LACP,這樣下層防火牆也做LACP,是否可以連到p1/p2/p3線路? 還是會被 vlan區隔掉?
